Sunday, 30 December 2012

Chotti Si Asha

Music- A R Rahman Film: Roja

Every girl wishes for a beautiful childhood, fun-filled life, to make her family proud, marry the man on a white horse and have a happily ever after. But, not all your do dreams come true,one can say fate but when your dreams and honor and life is cruelly ripped off you in a matter of minutes, what do you call that? 

As people continue to hold candle light vigils for a girl, who is addressed as  'gang-rape victim in Delhi' rather  than her own name, what we need today is unity and strength to fight against people who think so low of a woman, to use them to satisfy themselves and discard! While reservations are being made for the safety of women, abolished of female infanticide is being preached, where people conduct poojas for Devi Mayya, Kaali Mother Mary and Parvati, women are still treated like vermin; Why? 

As each person offers condolences and sympathy to the family of Nirbhaya, and demands fora death penalty to the 6 cowards who attacked and killed her, what we need is this: 

A pledge that we abide by, to make sure it would never repeat again with any child, girl, teen, woman, an old lady or man or the weak and  the challenged. 

To never stand and watch injustice
To never ignore any wrong being committed
To stand and fight against it without fear
To make sure the sufferer is saved
And make sure the accused is incriminated for his/her crime.

Let her fight for life be an example, not the injustice meted out to her. It is not just a story of a 'girl in Delhi' it is the 'story of a girl'. Stand and pledge for this and fight against wrong, if the fight begins today, ten years hence, 'rape' could be abolished for life. Your girl child then, would have the freedom to walk the streets without fear and hesitation and could live a better   life. While peace rallies continue to disrupt normal functioning of the cities, what is required is not just a better task force from the government, but also awareness and attentiveness on the part of each citizen, after all charity starts at home. Stop and reflect, will offering condolences on facebook change anything? Will the drafting of a better law make people fear the crime unless each person stands to implement the same? I think not! So while each person asks for a better system of governance, better law for the protection of woman and child, please infuse the same in your life. When you see a crime, however minor, report it without fear. Grabbing without consent is a crime, when you 'let it go' the person becomes bolder and it results in something this heinous. So fight without fear or shame, it is not you who should be ashamed! 

For people who think, we women send out invitations by wearing revealing clothes, what happens when I see a man walking bare-chested, do I jump him? No, so don't get point fingers, the Constitution of India has given me a few fundamental rights and I will exercise them without fear. So girls, get ready for a party without fear of illiterate fools breathing down your neck, you can always use this line, 'Fundamental Rights of A Citizen in the Preamble!'
As for the cowards who commit such a heinous crime, death is too short a penalty and while repentance can never bring back the dead, but their suffering would be an example to many to never dare make such an attempt again. 

I am sorry Nirbhaya, I couldn't help you, but I believe you would never want to see this happen to any girl again, and hence, I stand today to applaud your fight for life and I will try to   help anyone who needs it. To make sure no one suffers how you did. 
You are not just a gang-rape victim, you are a star! 
Rest in Peace, Nirbhaya. 

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